It's a virtual reality exhibition created by Eina Idea in collaboration with MindSpaces and presented at Sónar+D CCCB 2021, AI & Music Festival, in Barcelona (Spain).
This virtual reality experience presents the digital artworks of six contemporary artists participating in MindSpaces. MindSpaces is a residency programme by S+T+ARTS and the European Commission. You will experience the artworks of Haseeb Ahmed, Emmanuel Van der Auwera, Sarah Derat x The Radicant x ExperiensS, Emanuel Gollob, Joao Martinho Moura, Michael Sedbon and an experience by Zaha Hadid Architects.
Once immersed in the experience, participants will begin in an office that has been infected by the symptoms of SYNX. The system will guide the user through various 'zones', making autonomous decisions.
A symposium was held as part of the exhibition. Ideas around the main themes of SYNX were exchanged with personalities from the fields of science, urbanism, artistic research and fiction. Among the invited participants were Elena Bartomeu, Lluís Nacenta, Artur Garcia and Mel Slater. The event was moderated by Béatrice de Gelder and Manuel Cirauqui.
Here is a PC version of the experience.
The VR experience has been co-created at Barcelona, directed by Eina Idea.
Direction: Manuel Cirauqui. Production & Coordination: Alexandre Viladrich & Flor Salatino. 3D Art direction: Miquel Cardiel. VR Development: Miquel Cardiel, Àlex Cordón & Flor Salatino. Concept & texts - SYNX Legend: Manuel Cirauqui. Concept & text - Oracle narrative: Marta Pardina. Sound design: MANS O. Graphic design: Ignasi Ayats & Alexandre Viladrich. Exhibition design: Alexandre Viladrich. Design support: Júlia Hernández, Dani Hernández & Iraida Servalós. Advisor: Marianna de Nadal.